

Online booking 
Bowling 280 :-/lane and hour inkl shoes
Cosmic 380 :-/lane and hour inkl shoes

OBS ! Max 5 players per lane

Other booking

Bowling 250 kr /lane and hour
Cosmic bowling 350 kr /lane and hour (disco)  

Dart 200 kr / bana och timme

Always adds SEK 10 / person. (shoe rental)
Remember to arrive on time, A bowling hour is 55-60 minutes. When there are a lot of people, there is not always room to adjust booked times.
ATTENTION! Time not canceled is charged with 1/2 the cost.

Other prices:

School classes Mon-Fri Sept-May 13:00-16:00 250 :-/lane incl. shoe rental (booked time only)

Entire alley:

4000 :-  ,  Not fri & sat 17-22:00 and holidays.
Cosmic everyday supplement SEK 500/hour
5500 :-  ,  Fri & sat 17-22:00

Major holidays - request a quote.

Note! full hall prices cannot be combined with our entertainment concepts.

Gift cards and wellness money have a validity period of 1 year.
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