Ball shop

Thursday 10:00-13:00 shop open.

Don't have the opportunity to come in on Thursdays?
Other times call us on 0910-71 00 73 or come into the hall to book an appointment.

The ball shop:

Drilling of new globes
Free drilling on all our new and used globes.
(incl. finger inserts & solid thumb sleeve.)

Drilling of own new ball
Drilling of own ball 1000:-
(incl. finger inserts & solid thumb sleeve.)

Re-drilling of balls (Plugging and drilling of all holes.)
Incl. finger inserts, solid thumb sleeve and renovation. 800:-

Outer sleeve for switch grip +150:-
Outer sleeve & inner sleeve for switch grip +470:-

Other works
Replacement of solid thumb insert incl. drilling 350:-
Thumb sleeve (inner) for switch grip. 350:-
Repair of minor damage is priced according to ind. assessment.

Replacement of finger inserts incl. work 180:-
Loose finger inserts SEK 70/pc

Renovations and washing
Ultrasonic cleaning incl. renovation 350:-
Ultrasonic cleaning SEK 200
Renovation and polishing SEK 200:-

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